These past few months have been busy (to say the least)! I finished writing the dissertation and successfully defended it on April 5, 2023. The dissertation defense included an art exhibit with movement sculptures of three microMemories that were shared during our small Zoom group meetings. There was also a moving content analysis, or woven flow chart, that followed the ideas and professional learning topics that came from group discussions.

Anani is holding a briefcase and trying to find a spot for it on a 5 foot moving cart that is piled high with boxes.
Carting the Art Exhibition Supplies to the Dissertation Defense Room

Over the next few months, I will be updating this website to include information about what was learned during the dissertation as well as new micromoment theory, qualitative research methods, and frameworks for teacher professional learning in inclusive education that resulted from this study.

I want to thank the co-learners who joined in this journey and especially those who collaborated on microMemories and microMoment-ing. Your willingness to share and delve into complex issues in inclusive education made this dissertation possible. More importantly, your participation has produced stories and artwork that will capture the attention of people who can change educational environments, from teachers recognizing micromoments in the classroom to administrators rethinking ableist policies and procedures to educational policy makers becoming disability-informed.

A fiber art sculpture is in the foreground, but through the sculpture there is a view of someone touching another fiber art sculpture and Anani standing before a wall display of sketchbook pages. Anani is reading from her script as she presents to the group.
Presenting at the Dissertation Defense

Please come back to check in as I update the webpages and have a wonderful summer!