Welcome all!

Micromoments have been at the center of my study these past couple of years. Micromoments have been defined as unplanned, unexpected moments, perceived as ruptures from the routine, in which creative potential emerges. This definition is listed on the Micromoments in Neuroplexure website Concepts page found at https://neuroplexure.com/concepts/. During the study, though, I have been reflecting on how the definition of micromoments might change when we are using a neurodiversity perspective as well as how this new understanding could be organized into a framework for studying micromoments. If teachers could study micromoments, then they/we might learn to recognize them while they are happening, to have a plan for possible generative ways to react, and to reflect and plan for future micromoments.

Through interactions with co-learners and collaborators and during my time thinking-doing with fiber arts, I have begun to bring together some preliminary ideas for a framework for the study of micromoments. The current iteration of the framework includes three+ micromoment dimensions and four elements. Each of the elements can be described by certain qualities.

Visual is entitled Micromoment Dimensions, Elements, and Qualities. There is a large gray circle representing the micromoment. Outside the circle are the words time, space, and possibility. Inside the circle are four icons by their related element and quality. Presence and perceptibility are by an icon of various circles with different levels of visibility. Divergence and diversity are by an icon with a square, circle, and triangle. Agency and activity are by an icon of three circles with arrows showing movement between. Structure and designability are by an icon of a blueprint and pencil.

Micromoment Dimensions

Micromoments are events that operate in dimensions that include time, space, and possibility (see physics theory). In this work, possibility refers to alternate, parallel, intersecting, diverging, possible events, or micromoments. Possibility is many, space can be measured or described in multiple ways, and time as well, so I say there are three+ dimensions of micromoments.

Micromoment Elements and Qualities

Micromoments are events that share certain elements. The elements include what I am currently calling presence, structure, diversity, and agency. Presence is described by perceptibility, the quality of being able to be perceived by another. Structure is described by designability, the quality of being capable of being designed. Divergence is described by diversity, or the quality of being composed of differing elements or qualities. Agency, in this work, is described by activity, the quality of being active.

As I continue to revisit the many microMemories shared over the last few months, I hope to further develop this framework, connect dimensions and elements to examples from contributed micromoments, and produce a teacher-friendly handout for the study of micromoments in neurodiverse educational environments.

This framework is in the early stages of development, and I would love to hear feedback, ideas, and questions from you all.

Until next time!

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